Error report: Zotero not starting

edited January 28, 2021
Hello, Zotero simply stopped working. (error report 1149682885). The window appears but no reference happens and I get an error message in the main window.
  • Can you provide a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for Zotero startup, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option?
  • Thanks for jumping in: Here is the Debug ID: D219535070
  • edited January 29, 2021
    You have your Zotero data directory in Google Drive, where it absolutely shouldn't be. You would've had to click past a warning from Zotero telling you that.

    You should move it out of there immediately.

    You can try to repair your database, either with the database integrity check in the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences or the DB Repair Tool, but we can't help beyond that.
  • Indeed, that may have been the source of the problem. Lesson learned.

    In the meantime, I was able to retrieve my references by selecting a new and empty folder as data location. Zotero then suggests to download the references from my online account, which were not corrupted. It recreated the references locally and I can start afresh.

    Thanks for the diagnosis.
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