Suggestion: Multi-Line Case Name Display in Info Panel
Hello, could I please suggest allowing case names to be overflowed into multiple lines in the Info panel (in the same way that the Title field can overflow)? Many cases have incredibly long names, and it is useful to be able to see the whole title at once (the case name is essentially equivalent to a Title in any event).
bwiernik@dstillman It seems that caseName is not inheriting the general title field display properties.
dstillmanThis is just for editing, right? Case Name wraps to multiple lines in display mode, like all fields. It's only when editing that it's not showing the multi-line editor that Title gets.
bwiernikYes, that’s correct
dstillmanedited February 9, 2021OK, fixed in the latest Zotero beta (for Case Name and the other Title-mapped fields), and the fix will be included in 5.0.96. @craigde, thanks for reporting.
craigdeThanks @dstillman for your work and attention to this! It will slow the onset of my grey hair :-)