I can pull the first 10 results from a search on using the bulk downloader, but when you go to the next page of results, it starts giving "translator error" messages. Any idea what's wrong with it?"individuals+with+disabilities+education+act"+OR+"individuals+with+disability+education+act"+OR+“Part+C”+OR+“birth-to-three”+OR+“zero-to-three”+OR+“early+intervention”+OR+“early+childhood”)&cond=Behavior&cntry=US&age_v=&age=0&gndr=&type=&rslt=&Search=Apply
When I click on the folder icon and download the first 10, it works beautifully!
Then when I go to the next page and try the next 10, it looks like it's downloading, but at about the 3rd one, it throws up the "an error occurred while saving this item" while it looks like it's downloading the rest. However in my Zotero folder I still only have the first 10.
The download for the search results lets you save in PDF, plain text, tab separated values, comma separated values and XML. Is there an easy way of getting any of those into Zotero?
This is for a systematic review, so we need to have a better way than downloading them to Zotero one by one.