attachment path in item reference

I apologise if this has already been answered, but I did not find an answer on the forum or web.

I am trying to implement a solution where reference (word document) would include link to corresponding attachment of cited zotero item - attachments are PDFs (one per item).

As I understand it the path to attachment is stored inside zotero database and is referenced to the corresponding item. As I see it I could acces this path and insert it into document manualy (zutilo has this option).

I have already modified CSL for the purposes I need (legal documents), the next step is inserting into reference a link to attachment for the said reference, so I can access it from the word document (there are a lot of references, and a lot of cross references, and I get lost trying to review the original source, and would like to streamline this).

Before I go wasting time in trying to apply a solution, I would be gratefull, if anybody has already done this, if can they share their solution or if anybody has a helpful tip to share it.

The easyest soltuion I see is to populate (manualy? -want to avoid) some unused field with this path, and modify the CSL.

The other solution I see (do not know if this is possible) would be to modify CSL in a way that it could access this information indatabase and insert it into reference (which fields are relevant?).

  • No, attachment path isn’t something that’s accessible to CSL. What exactly is your use case here? For many situations, Zotero Reports would be a good option.
  • Hi I write legal documents. Opinions, decisions etc. I modified a CSL to my taste so i can quote all the relevant sources ( cases, acts, books) and evidentiary documents, according to our court rules.

    Usually there are a lot of documents (evidence) that are stored on local disk/network (PDF) which I reference or cross reference, and I would like that I, or reviewer, could open the attachment when the link is clicked (or at least copy paste). This is my main goal.
  • Yeah, sorry, as bwiernik says, can't be done.
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