Include summary image of the selected article in the rss feeds

Usually the readers of rss channels include an image of the selected article (example RSSOwl), this is very useful and improves notably the reading and selection of articles.
Zotero is very useful in the scientific world since it includes the management and obtaining of bibliography. The inclusion of this possibility would notably improve the experience.
Thank you
  • edited January 20, 2021
    Are you asking for a thumb-nail of the first page of the item? How might Zotero obtain a licensed image? I ask these questions because my (non-Zotero) own system provides RSS feeds of academic literature that has been newly added to my database. The user requests I've received all relate to wanting slimmer feeds with lower bandwidth -- shortened titles, 1st & last authors only, etc.
  • @Patricia_I: Do you have an example of a feed with such images that you find useful? I'm somewhat skeptical that a tiny preview of a PDF is particularly helpful.

    DWL: This is just referring to image URLs specified for items in the feed. There are various technical ways to do.
  • The BrowZine app interface shows journal cover images, which I find rather helpful when browsing through the feed.
  • I can confirm that such a feature would be useful, and second bwiernik's comment.
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