How to do a "through-citation"?

I mean, how do I cite a citation that author X did of author Y when I have not read Y, only X, but I don't want to ignore any contributor? I have seen it as:

X (20XX) "So an so" through Y (20XX) "Generic title".

Is it possible in Zotero?
  • I’m not following what you want to do. Can you give a real example, rather than placeholders?
  • No problem.

    "To determine if one element commands another, simply trace up the tree structure until an S node is reached. If it is possible to trace down from that S node to the other element, the first element commands the second" (Lidell 1980, through Sandler & Lillo-Martin 2009)

    Lidell, Scott K. (1980). American Sign Language Syntax. The Hague: Mouton. Through W. Sandler & D. Lillo-Martin. (2009). Sign Language and Linguistic Universals. Cambridge University Press.

    I didn't read Lidell, maybe because I couldn't find him, so I read that quotation through Sandler & Lillo-Martin and want to use it.
  • You just cite both items in a citation and put ", through" as the prefix to Sandler & Lillo-Martin.
    Two notes:
    1) If at all possible, you'll want to avoid this and track down the original source to make sure it's actually cited correctly and
    2) If you use it, "cited by" is much more common than "through"
  • That will do, thanks!
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