Best-effort PDF metadata?

I use Zotero for organizing my pile of PDFs while working as a computer engineering student. This includes a lot of non-academic PDFs which don't have metadata in the usual places where it would be found for journal articles and such. To this end, Zotero is quite inconsistent about whether it will automatically enter any of it.

An example file with this problem is the datasheet at, which does not get metadata/a parent item created automatically despite the following being in the file metadata:

ยป pdfinfo lm3670.pdf
Title: LM3670 Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for
Ultralow Voltage Circuits datasheet (Rev. F)
Subject: Data Sheet
Keywords: , SNVS250,SNVS250F
Author: Texas Instruments, Incorporated [SNVS250,F
Creator: TopLeaf 8.0.011
Producer: iText 2.1.7 by 1T3XT
CreationDate: Tue Dec 15 07:56:56 2020 PST
ModDate: Tue Dec 15 07:56:56 2020 PST
Tagged: no
UserProperties: no
Suspects: no
Form: none
JavaScript: no
Pages: 29
Encrypted: no
Page size: 612 x 792 pts (letter)
Page rot: 0
File size: 1296940 bytes
Optimized: no
PDF version: 1.4

I'd really like if Zotero took this data and created a parent item for me automatically. I am not using these files for citations, in general, so it is not of particular concern that the author data/etc is good, and having a title is already a big improvement so I can put tags on the file. Oddly, some other random datasheet PDFs do successfully create parent items automatically (and definitely from the PDF metadata as evidenced by it being an inaccurate title) which I'm not sure what to make of.
  • No, Zotero doesn't use the embedded PDF metadata at all. The quality varies too widely, and it's often just garbage.
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