Repeat titles or publishers in bibliography where no author is available

CSL question:

I maintain a style that has bibliography entries start with the CMOS 17 author-date citation (where position="first") before printing the entire normal CMOS bibliography entry.

ex: (Collinder 2018) Collinder, Avia. 2018. “Court Cases Complicate Finsac Wind-Up.”
Jamaica Gleaner, August 8, 2018, sec. Business.

This style works fine when an author is present. When no author is available, the citation prints fine, but it omits the author substitute (eg. for type="report" it doesn't reprint the title; for type="article-newspaper" it doesn't reprint the publication) though it keeps the punctuation surrounding that substitute.

ex: (Jamaica Gleaner 2018) “Court Cases Complicate Finsac Wind-Up.” 2018. , August 8, 2018, sec. Business.
where the correct form would be
(Jamaica Gleaner 2018) Jamaica Gleaner. 2018. “Court Cases Complicate Finsac Wind-Up.” August 8, 2018, sec. Business.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? From trial and error, I think I've located the problem in the contributors macro. Does the behavior of affect this? It seems to avoid printing a contributor twice.

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