As the author, how do I format my Word document so that Zotero sees the Abstract?

When I create the PDF I have set every description and additional information I can.

When I import the created PDF into Zotero everything is correct except it does not get the abstract. I am using the AIS template and I just want to make sure I have everything as correct as I can for storage in Zotero before submission.

Is there something I can do on the Word or Acrobat side of things to make the Abstract appear correctly in Zotero?
  • The best way to import items into Zotero is to use the Save to Zotero button in your web browser from the publisher web page. Metadata retrieval from PDFs doesn’t use any embedded metadata from the PDF itself (it’s usually far too low quality)—Zotero simply looks for an identifier like a DOI and looks up the metadata using that.

    CrossRef, the service that curates DOI metadata, doesn’t have abstracts, so PDF metadata retrieval will generally not retrieve item abstracts.
  • CrossRef, the service that curates DOI metadata, doesn’t have abstracts
    Just for the record, while this is still often the case, there's an increasing number of abstracts in CrossRef (see here for some recent stats: ) and Zotero gets them both when using add by idenfier and when retrieving metadata for a PDF via DOI. Try e.g. this DOI: 10.1155/2020/2593410
  • Oh, that’s an exciting development!
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