Unable to remove Plugin from Word 2019

unfortunatly I can't remove the Plugin from Word 2019 an MacOS BigSur.
I already removed the Zotero application and deleted all Zotero-files I found in the Finder. I also checked, if there is a note at the Word Startup-location, which I read about in previous discussions, but there ist not Zotero.dot file.

thank you in advance.

regards from Germany,
  • edited December 18, 2020
    If you see the Zotero toolbar in Word, there's still a Zotero.dotm file in your Word Startup folder:


    (The only exception would be if you followed some other steps we don't recommend to install the plugin manually, in which case it might be located elsewhere. You can check that from within Word.)
  • I already checked the article and there is no Zotero.dotm file in the folder (~/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/User Content/Startup/Word).
    In fact, there is no file with the name "zotero" left on my macbook, at least I don't find any files with the search function.
  • Then either that's not your active Word Startup folder — the linked instructions say how to check that in Word — or you added the .dotm some other way. Zotero only installs it in the default location, and you'd be able to see the path from the templates dialog in Word.

    As the page notes, if this is a non-English system, the Startup folder may be different. Check the paths above that folder, starting from UBF8T346G9.Office.
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