Citations no longer linked after syncing on a new computer


I'm trying to move both my Zotero library and the article I've been working on over to a new computer, but have had some technical issues.

-I synced my library on my new computer

- I emailed my Word document from my old computer to my new computer as a docx

-When I open the document on my new computer the citations are no longer linked

Any advice on where I might have gone wrong? Thank you very much in advance for your help.

  • What exactly do you mean by "no longer linked"? Are you saying they're just flat text, or are they still active Zotero citations but just no longer reflecting edits you make in Zotero? (For the latter, if you click on one and click Add/Edit Citation, you would see the citation dialog populated with the citation but wouldn't see "Open in My Library" when customizing the citation.)

    If you mean they're flat text, that wouldn't have anything to do with transferring Zotero or Zotero data. See Existing Citations Not Detected.
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