Cannot use Google Docs (double Zotero) * Resolved*

edited December 16, 2020

Since I installed Zotero, I cannot use Google Docs (cannot open a file, cannot create a new one).
I have this message ("Impossible to load the document") and I see Zotero twice.

Same problem if I reload, send an error report or cancel.
  • What browser is this?

    Regarding the two Zotero menus, do you somehow have more than one Zotero Connector installed in your browser?

    If you disable the Zotero Connector, does the problem go away?
  • Chrome
    I had Zotero in the list of extensions. I removed it.
    Now, I see it only once in google docs and no problem.
    Why have I not do that before :( ?
    I guessed I installed it by two opposite ways.
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