Empty Extra field

Hi there,

There are some unnecessary characters in my Extra field, I would like to empy them, and to use https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/client_coding/javascript_api#batch_editing, I wonder how to code the 'oldValue'? A regular expression is needed?

Many thanks.
  • edited December 14, 2020
    What do you mean by "unnecessary characters"? Extra generally contains real data for which there currently aren't Zotero fields but which will be migrated to Zotero fields when they're added in an upcoming version. The data in Extra may still be used in citations. You don't want to remove it indiscriminately.
  • Thanks @dstillman. They are some words which were imported incorrectly, such as “Number : 4” when the issue is 4.
  • Unless a huge number of items were affected (in which case we'd want to know where you were importing from where you were getting bad data), I would just delete lines you don't want manually when you see them. None of the scripts on that page are safe to use for removing individual lines from Extra.
  • edited December 15, 2020
    I exported one collection using zotero RDF format from zotero, them imported in JurisM, I checked the library agign, and found it does not relate to the importing and exporting. The original items also show the Extra, such as 'Publisher: Taylor & Francis
    _eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2020.1852173 PMID: 33261517', Number of the Issue, '_eprint: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/jsfa.7512', 'Publisher: Taylor & Francis _eprint: https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2020.1847029
    PMID: 33207938', 'PMID: 28873528', 'PMID: 29073479', 'Number: 3 PMID: 32180945
    PMCID: PMC7063358' ...

    Most of the Extra fields are empty.
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