Zotero standalone will open but not respond

I am able to open the Zotero application but once I try to do anything (create a collection, delete references, etc) it will not respond. I reinstalled from zotero.org and it is still acting the same way. The Zotero data directory is in the default location. I generated a real-time debug output and received this number: D509510113. Thanks for your help!
  • Can you generate debug output for startup with Help -> Debug Output Logging -> "Restart with Logging Enabled…", submit it, and provide the Debug ID?
  • I did that and received the Debug ID: D1813424348.
  • That seems to show a normal startup with no errors. Can you provide a Debug ID for a startup through actually reproducing the problem?
  • It seems to be working now. I'm not sure what changed - it was unresponsive for about a week. Thanks for your help!
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