Problem with Linked Database using Zotfile

edited December 3, 2020
Dear Zotero Support

I've been using Zotero and Zotfile for the last couple of months. I've set up a linked database into an Onedrive folder to make sure I can access everything in my tablet and other PCs. Something that is not working properly is that when I drag and drop a file to Zotero.
I've seen somewhere else that this is a common problem and I need to use the Zotero Add-in but that's not the best way as most times it only captures a snapshot and not the full paper.

I can move when pressing Rename File but it does not do it automatically when I drop the file

How do you guys deal with this? Is there any workaround?

I'm using the latest version of both Zotero and Zotfile on Windows10
  • No workaround other than doing this manually and mainly importing from the web connector with PDF files (which Zotfile should move correctly)
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