Collapse all items

edited November 29, 2020
Is there any way to collapse all items at once? My motivation for asking this is that in search results, the attachments are rendered in darker typeface than the parent items and it makes the parent items difficult to read. More to the point, the interspersion of what would otherwise be a clean organized search result list of parent items by many attachments is not helpful to me. Maybe other users can relate. Thank you for your help.
  • the - key on your keyboard.
  • Please read this reply as a particularly jubilant comment in all caps with excessive punctuation. Thank you.
  • Hi, thank you for providing the answer to DiShieri's question. However, I would additionally like to know if there is a way of changing the default behaviour of automatically displaying the attachments. I too find that it is unhelpful to see them when I search.
  • @danthonyalbert: To be clear, it only expands the items when your search actually matches an attachment, to show you what exactly is matching. If you use the "Title, Creator, Year" search mode, only top-level items will match and the items won't be expanded.

    Related to some upcoming developments, though, we're actually currently considering a View menu option that would avoid expanding parent items even if child items matched a search.
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