Citing a Poem in an antology

Hi all, I need to cite one poem from an anthology of poems. What category should I choose and how do I indicate that it is a poem from a whole anthology?

  • edited November 21, 2020
    To a great extent, it depends on the document / manuscript from which you will cite the poem and the citation style you will use. It also depends on who will be reviewing your manuscript and the context or purpose of your document. I believe that you just need to get the information into Zotero in a way that can be auto-formatted to your needs.

    I cited lines of poetry that I used as a chapter preface in my doctoral thesis. I was using Vancouver style so there wasn't an in-text formatting issue.

    In Zotero I cited the poem as a book section title, the author of the poem, the name of the anthology (as the book title), the anthology editor, etc. This reference worked well in my bibliography. In my case, the poem was within a real book chapter but there was not a chapter editor. So I ignored the chapter and only listed the pagination of the poem. My dissertation wasn't a literary topic -- it was about information-seeking behaviors. If you are writing for that purpose what I did may not be appropriate. There was a librarian, two journal editors and a public health professor on my committee. The poetry reference wasn't among the cites that raised questions during the 3 hour defense. (I cited Kipling.)
  • If it’s published in an anthology, I would enter this as a Book Section.
  • The issue is citing a poem written in a date different from the date of the anthology.

    In my case, I want to cite "The Curse of Doneraile" written by Patrick O'Kelly in 1754 from the 1981 anthology "I000 Years of Irish Poetry" Ed: Kathleen Hoagland. I've tried various kludges, to little avail.

    This has to be a common problem for anyone citing something with a different date from the collection.

    Many thanks for any help!
  • Enter as a books section, add original-date: 1754 to the Extra field.
  • Did that, but it comes up as (O’Kelly, n.d.), not (O'Kelly 1754)

    See below for ref in APA:

    O’Kelly, P. (n.d.). The Curse of Doneraile. In K. Hoagland (Ed.), In: 1000 years of Irish poetry: The Gaelic and Anglo-Irish poets from pagan times to the present. The Devin-Adair Company.

  • You also should add the publication date of the anthology in date. But if you're not getting the original date anywhere in APA, you also seem to have it entered incorrectly
  • I did enter the anthology publication date--as you can in the screenshot I attached to my email.

    I'm probably being dense, but would really appreciate an answer that works.
  • You'd have to link to the screenshot elsewhere (, Dropbox etc)
  • edited October 6, 2022
    Your entry in Extra must be preceded with "original-date:"
    original-date: 1754

    Also, I wouldn't recommend beginning the book totle with "In" because the book section styles will add that automatically when appropriate.

    I think that should work for you.
  • Interesting, but the only way I can make this work is to leave the "Extra" field blank and add the date of the anthology after the editor's name, viz:

    (O’Kelly, 1754)

    O’Kelly, P. (1754). The Curse of Doneraile. In K. Hoagland (1981) (Ed.), 1000 Years of Irish Poetry: The Gaelic and Anglo-Irish Poets from Pagan Times to the Present. The Devin-Adair Company.

    If I follow your instructions, I get:

    (O’Kelly, 1754/1981)

    O’Kelly, P. (1981). The Curse of Doneraile. In K. Hoagland (Ed.), 1000 Years of Irish Poetry: The Gaelic and Anglo-Irish Poets from Pagan Times to the Present. The Devin-Adair Company. (Original work published 1754)

    Sorry to keep harping on this!

  • If I follow your instructions, I get:...
    Yes, that's correct APA style. APA is very explicit that it wants the year the actual thing that you're consulting was published front and center, because that's what you need to retrieve the work. The actual publication year of the poem is only relevant as contextual information.
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