How to prevent "publisher" info gets writing into extra field?

I notice that recent version zotero will write publisher info into extra field when importing reference from firefox zotero extension.

for example, importing this article into zotero will have quite a lot of info in extra field as

Publisher: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Section: Special Perspectives
PMID: 18687952

However, I don't need these publisher info at all. On the other hand, I need to use extra field to hold number of citation info.

So, is there any way to prevent zotero write publisher info into extra field?
  • You can't prevent this. This is real data (included in the BibTeX), and it will be migrated to real fields once they're available. Zotero fields have been frozen for many years, so some things get saved to Extra in the meantime.

    There's nothing stopping you from adding additional lines in Extra to hold additional info.
  • @dstillman Thank you for answering. I know I can add more and more lines into extra. But I want it to be pure citation info, so I can sort it. Currently, I can only use javascript to purify it.
  • Place your other info above the Publisher, etc. Then you can sort on them. Those fields are also removed from Extra when making citations.
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