Adding an in-text citation to a string of existing citations

I have added in-text citations following a sentence such as xxad;lfjadlkj (author 1, date 1; author 2, date 2; author 3; date 3) but now realize I missed one. Everytime I try to insert it to the list, zotero highlights the list and either wants me to replace the field completely or delete. There must be a way to add a single entry to the existing list? Thank you
  • Place the cursor in the existing citation, then click the Add/Edit Citation button. The Zotero citation window will open with the existing citations and you can add another one to it
  • @bwiernik - thank you, however, this did not work. When I place my cursor in the string of in-text citations (I've tried clicking between two citations, within a citation, before and after first and last, respectively), zotero highlights the citation(s) in a gray color and when I click either "add citation"from the zotero toolbar or "edit citation" from the apple script (I don't have a combined add/edit citation like proposed in your response with my word for mac 2011), the citation window opens, but the new citation I'm trying to add REPLACES the previous higlighted citation. There must be a way to add a citation to an existing string of in-text citations.
  • edited November 15, 2020
    It would be the Edit Citation button. If you place the cursor in the citation, then click the Edit Citation option, the citation should open with the existing citations.

    But @adomasven, there should be a combined button even in Word 2011 no?

    (I would also generally suggest updating to a more recent version of Word.)
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