Make subcollection available in a Group

I have created a Group Library for my research assistants and I would like to share one of the subcollections from My Library with the Group Library. Does anyone know if this is possible?
  • why couldn't you just create the subcollection in the group and then drag all files from your subcollection there?
  • while I think about it - the only disadvantage of this is that it wouldn't update automatically. Not sure if that's possible.
  • Updating isn't now possible, but it's the radar.
  • I guess I was too quick to celebrate.
    Is there any other approach that could allow group members to update and share their collection?
  • no, not atm. Remember that the group feature really is in an early version of beta, so many of the things that will eventually happen don't work yet.
  • I understand.
    Will the following work as a manual/temporary solution? If I export my sub-collection and send it to the other members of the group, they can use import to update their sub-collection.

    Will the import be incremental or delete all of their entries and replace them with I sent?
  • even simpler!
    If you just add new items to your sub-collection, you can just drag them to the group sub-collection and sync.
    If you change existing items in your subcollection, you can delete the old one in the group subcollection and replace it with your modified one - then sync.

    Maybe the above was misunderstandable: Of course you can update the group subcollection with information from your library.
    But that doesn't happen automatically as you change your library - that's what I mean with "doesn't update".
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