Problems Syncing

I got an error message while trying to sync my library. The message number was: 299206225, and the stop that I'm getting while trying to sync is Extra field Access' www.locgov/catdir/bios/ucal051/930...too long.
If there is a problem with a particular file, I haven't the faintest idea which file to look for.

  • search for the string in the error message (i.e. www.locgov/catdir - that may be enough).
    find the item that contains it.
    shorten the respective field (either access or Extra, not sure)
  • Okay, I tried that. It's still not working. I'm getting the same error message :(
  • Sorry, I'm getting a little impatient. I still cannot sync my library, and I really do need to switch to my new computer. I've ended up deleting a whole bunch of files that I probably didn't need to.
  • Got it to work, thanks
  • a) what did you do to get it to work?
    b) to switch to a different computer you could have just copied your data directory
    it's usually a good idea to include in error reports if you're trying to do something specific - there are often several ways to get somewhere.
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