Proper encoding format in details and correct export, or How to write everything in UTF?

I'm still not really able to cope with the following problem. If a title contains a non-ASCII character I'm not able to write it properly and export it properly.

title in ASCII: Wide-Range Dielectric Spectroscopy of Relaxor Type Ferroelectric Material Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3-PbTiO3
title in half-UTF: Wide-Range Dielectric Spectroscopy of Relaxor Type Ferroelectric Material Pb(Fe₂/₃W1/₃)O₃-PbTiO₃ (note that the slash in chemicals is incorrect)

TMK, there is no UTF character for "subscript slash" mostly used for chemicals.

I would like to hear how to write encoded characters to item details. For me there are some possibilities, which lacks full support on more lines:
- no encoding other than ASCII -- when exporting and citing, I need to check for incorrect chars (index)
- UFT if find, ASCII others -- the export is half good, the same checkup than the previous point
- latex encoding everywhere -- looks crappy, solves every character

This problem was mentioned in the last posts here
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