making both dates show up in-text and in bibliography, APA

Hi, how do I enter reprint date so that it shows up with the in-text citation. I entered xxxa/xxxb into the date field, but only xxxa shows up in-text. Additionally, I see suggestions to put "Original Date: xxxa" in the "extra" field, but it does not appear in the bibliography. I am using APA stlye.
  • If you enter “Original date: 1964” in Extra, it will appear in the bibliography and citations according to the APA manual format. If you have entered it in extra like that and it isn’t appearing, try it in a new empty document. If it still doesn’t appear, can you copy and paste exactly what you have entered in Extra here?
  • Nice! I guess the quote marks were necessary. Thank you :)
  • No, quote marks aren’t necessary (and they might interfere)
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