Update Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae

I work at the SLU university in Sweden and we got help from some people here a couple of years ago updating a CSL style file. I wonder if you please could help us to update our CSL style file Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae again so it mirrors the recommendations on https://www.slu.se/en/subweb/library/write-and-cite/writing-references/referenslista-enligt-harvard/? It is polyglot (Swedish and English) and the Swedish recommendation is on https://www.slu.se/site/bibliotek/skriva-och-referera/skriva-referenser/referenslista-enligt-harvard/. We have updated both the recommendation for the referencelist and in-text citations. I have a list of the changes if that would be helpful.

Kind regards,
Malin Persson
SLU University Library, Sweden
  • Yes, the list of changes would definitely help
  • Great! Here is the list:

    Style file: Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae
    1. In text citations:
    1.1 et al.
    no longer italic
    e.g. (Smith et al. 2009)
    1.2 Page number
    Replace “Year , s.” or “Year , p.” with Year:Pagenumber
    e.g. (Lundberg 2020:5-7)

    2. In reference list:

    2.1 General changes:
    Remove “Tillgänglig:” (swedish) and “Available at:” (english) from before the URL.
    No prefix “DOI:” before DOI
    If there is a value in the DOI field, use that value instead of URL and Access date.
    Remove “ss.” and “pp.” before value of Page number.
    Remove “vol.” before value of Volume.
    If possible, add a field for persistant/permanent/DOI links for most material types. Many permanent links are not DOI, e.g. handle, URN.

    2.2 Artwork
    (called Illustration or image, see https://www.slu.se/en/subweb/library/write-and-cite/writing-references/cite-illustrations/ )
    Add space between title and [Medium].
    Add the value from field Archive if it has a value, and add “Tillgänglig:” and “Available:” in front of value. Position: after [Medium].

    2.3 Audio recording
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.4 Bill
    (called Laws/Lagar)
    Remove Date and pages and Accessed.
    Syntax: Code. Title. Legislative body. URL

    2.5 Blog post
    Add: Use the year value from field Date and place it as (Year) after author. The day and month value from Date is placed after [website type].
    Swedish: 4 februari
    English: 4 February
    Months in Swedish: januari, februari, mars, april, maj, juni, juli, augusti, september, oktober, november, december
    2.6 Book
    Is it possible to add field DOI to this material type?
    Add value from Series and Series Number within parenthesis after Title.

    2.7 Book section
    (called Chapter in a book https://www.slu.se/en/subweb/library/write-and-cite/writing-references/referenslista-enligt-harvard/ )
    Remove value from Series Number.
    Move position for Edition to before Place: Publisher.
    URN and date to be placed at the end.
    Add field DOI to the material type if possible.

    2.8 Case
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.9 Conference paper
    (called conference proceedings)
    Add values for DOI and URL and access date. If DOI, don’t show URL and accessdate.
    Remove the automated prefix Proceedings of before Conference name.
    Move value of Place to after date.
    Change date order in swedish version to day month year (instead of month day year as it is in english version)

    2.10 Dictionary
    If no author use syntax:
    Dictionary title (Year) Title of article. Page number. Place of publication: Publisher. Link [Accessed]

    2.11 Document
    Title in italic

    2.12 Email
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.13 Encyclopedia article
    If editor,
    in Swedish: “I: “Editor last name, F. (red.)
    in English: “In: “Editor last name, F. (ed./eds)
    Position: Before Title of encyclopedia.

    Add value from Pages and insert after Title.
    E.g. Asakura T. & Kaplan D.L. (1994). Silk production and processing. I: Arntzen Charles J. & Ritter, Ellen M. (red.). Encyclopedia of Agricultural Science Volume 4. 1-11. London: Academic Press Inc.

    If no author, the syntax is:
    Encyclopedia title (Year). Title of article. Page number. Place of publication: Publisher. Link [Accessed]

    2.14 Film
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.15 Forum
    Add: Use the year value from field Date and place it as (Year) after author.

    2.16 Hearing
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard
    2.17 Instant message
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.18 Interview
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.19 Journal article
    Ok, if the general changes are done.

    2.10 Letter
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.21 Magazine
    Called Popular science article (eng) and Populärvetenskaplig artikel (swe)
    No changes.

    2.22 Manuscript
    called Unpublished work (eng) and Opublicerat material (swe)
    Put Type value in [], e.g.:
    Andersson, B.C. (2002) Source of pollution in the ocean. [Unpublished manuscript].

    2.23 Map
    Title in italic.
    In swedish [Kartografiskt material]  
    In english [Map]
    Insert value from Type after Title.
    Move value Extra to position after Type.
    If no value in Contributor, Cartographer: Move Publisher to first position. Remove Place.
    Syntax: e.g. Publisher (Year). Title. Type. Extra. [Map] Link [Date]
    Add the info from field Archive if it has a value and add “Tillgänglig:” and “Available:” in front of value. Position: after [Map].

    2.24 Newspaper article
    Called tidningsartikel (swe)
    Remove Place.
    Add: Use the day and month value from Date and place it after Publication, with the format: 4 februari (swe) and February 4 (eng)
    e.g. Levander, M. (1999). Stress ger fler uppsägningar. Dagens Nyheter, 21 juli.

    2.25 Patent
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.26 Presentation
    There is no recommendation in SLU Harvard

    2.27 Podcast
    Can’t be used due that there is no field Date or year

    2.28 Radio Broadcast
    Called audio
    Program title (Year). Titel. [Format]. Producer, Day and month. URL [Accessed]
    Use the day and month value from Date and place it after Publication, with the format: 4 februari (swe) and February 4 (eng). Use Year value from field Date in (Year).

    2.29 Report
    Replace “,” with “ ”(space) between value from Series Title and report number.
    Add field DOI to material type if possible

    2.30 Statue
    Called EU-documents
    Author Year Titel (Unique document number). Persistent link

    2.31 Software
    If possible, add Persistent link/DOI to this type of material.
    Remove value for Prog. Language.
    Source (Year). Title (version) [Software]. Place: Company. URL [Accessed]
    If no programmer, Company is placed as Source.

    2.32 Thesis
    Is it possible to add field Publisher to this material type? Sometimes there is a publisher other than the university.
    Remove parenthesis from Type value.

    2.33 TV broadcast
    Called TV program (Under Audio and Video)
    Program title (Year). Title. [Format] Producer, Day Month. URL [accessed]
    Use the day and month value from Date and place it after Publication, with the format: 4 februari (swe) and 4 February (eng). Use Year value from field Date in (Year).
    The Swedish months are listed under Blog post.

    2.34 Video recording
    Add info from field Format and put it in []. Insert after Title.
    Remove Studio and Place

    2.35Web page
    Remove Website title and Website type.

    Kind regards
  • Hi, was the list too long? I have not heard from you.
  • No, just a limited number of volunteers currently available for styles, and it’s been a crazy semester for most of us.
  • Update style is now available and will auto-update in your Zotero.

    I updated the most salient points, but didn't go through all minor item types (e.g. didn't do artwork etc.). I'd expect that level of detail for a university style would require either someone from the university implementing it or paying someone to do so.
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