Upgrade Storage - help please

Zotero informs me I need to upgrade storage. But when I go to my profile it shows that the Free plan includes 300 MB of storage, and shows that I'm currently using 2MB of storage. I don't have any idea whether the 2MB of storage is correct - hard to imagine it is since I have hundreds of documents on Zotero, but still . . . what should I do? I'm not interested in upgrading to the paid version of 2Gigs if indeed I'm not at the max for free storage (300MB), but I'll happily pay if I am at the max, but I want the amount I'm using to be CORRECT - I just want the facts. Please lmk.
  • There are three common reasons for this:
    1) You're looking at a different account online than the one you're syncing with. This happens surprisingly often, so triple check.
    2) You're trying to sync one enormous file (typically a video) that's itself >300MB. The sync message tells you which file gets you over the storage limit.
    3) The message references a group that you don't own (groups count against their owners storage, not yours)
  • This is likely about a group — Becca, you're in a large group for which the storage expired and which is now far over quota, so you'd have to ask the group owner to renew their plan.

    In any case, the error message will say if this applies to the group.
  • thanks - your suggestions both made sense and the issue is fixed. I appreciate the quick responses - super helpful!
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