Juris-M bluebook/indigo book missing the numbers after supras

edited October 22, 2020
Hi everyone, hoping someone can help out with this. When using the normal indigo book style, no numbers appear after "supra". i.e. a citation will look like this

Lizette Chapman & Kartikay Mehrotra, supra.

When it should look like this

Lizette Chapman & Kartikay Mehrotra, supra note 46.

Switching to law review indigo book makes the supra numbers appear. Any idea how to fix this for non-law review indigo book? I would reeeeeally like to not have to correct all the small caps by hand.

Also, in indigobook style, checking "suppress all trailing punctuation" seems to have no effect. Once again, switching to law review style fixes this.

And lastly, string citations should be separated with a semi-colon, not a comma, but I'm unsure of how to fix this.
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