Using Zotero and merging chapters into a single document

Are there problems or issues to look out for if I create chapters and then merge them into a single document? Will the citations and bibliography merge? (Particularly if I add text to the citation before or after the Zotero field?)

I tried it once and found that I had to make a copy of the document before it displayed correctly. Is that common or an anomaly? Thanks for any advice on how best to do this.

  • Generally this will just work, yes. Just make sure that the document to which you're pasting has at least one citation inserted before you paste into it.
    The bibliography will work. Citations which you have manually modified in Word (see our last exchange about the field codes), those citations won't update, i.e. use short forms or ibid., but they will appear in the bibliography.
    Not sure about the copy, I'd guess that was a fluke. The first troubleshooting steps would be to hit refresh, switch citation style back and forth, and delete and re-insert the bibliography.
  • Thanks!!

    For some reason it also put the bibliography in the middle of my citations although I placed my cursor in the correct location before adding iit. When I copied the document, it place the bibliography in the correct place. I assume that I should just follow the troubleshooting steps you mentioned and that I'm not overlooking something else?
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