Prefix: [] instead of ()

edited October 21, 2020
Hi everyone,

when using a prefix in word via the Zotero plugin, round brackets are transferred into square brackets. I can adjust the footnote manually back to round brackets, but that's not ideal.

Is anyone familiar with the problem or has an idea where it comes from?

Thank you!
  • That should happen if you have a parenthesis in the prefix -- are you saying this happens regardless of prefix?
  • When I insert a footnote in the document via the Zotero word plugin and add a prefix to that footnote and the prefix includes a round bracket, the footnote is generated correctly but the bracket in the prefix added to that footnote is changed from round to square.

    Is that intended?
  • Yes, most style guides call for nested brackets to switch back and forth between square and round to help the reader track which bracket they are in.
  • Actually, the same happens with a round bracket in a suffix to a footnote. It's changed to a square bracket.

    Thanks, bwiernik! I'll have a look in the style guide I use. But I always thought that it's impossible to change the formatting of prefixes and suffixes via the style guide...
  • I'm not sure this sound right: the inner parentheses should switch to a square bracket, not the outer one. Would you mind pasting a full footnote here as it comes out?
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