How to copy the file name of an attachment?
I need a way to copy the names of PDF file attachments. I've looked through menus and Zotfile and Zutilo preferences but can't seem to find a command that would let me do that. Even clicking on an attachment in Zotero does not seem to provide a way to copy the file name.
Is there a command or keyboard shortcut to copy the file name of an attachment?
I'm using Zotero on macOS, with Zutilo and Zotfile in case that makes a difference.
If there is a solution using AppleScript or other programmatic access, that would be fine – I can work with that.
Is there a command or keyboard shortcut to copy the file name of an attachment?
I'm using Zotero on macOS, with Zutilo and Zotfile in case that makes a difference.
If there is a solution using AppleScript or other programmatic access, that would be fine – I can work with that.
While I could copy the name from the pop-up dialog, doing it that way is problematic for automating something in a workflow. I'm looking for either a keyboard shortcut ("copy file name") or a way to do it from a scripting language, if such a thing is available.
What's the use case?
The use case is the following. I use DEVONthink Pro, and in DEVONthink, index my folder of Zotero attachments. I can open the index window and see a long list of article PDFs in DEVONthink. Now when writing notes _about_ articles, I can use the DEVONthink annotation mechanism, which works within DEVONthink, but as a precaution against losing the connection, I want to save the file name, the citation, and the Zotero item link as metadata.
Many people using Zotero with external note-taking apps use these to link notes to Zotero items.