Help! Creating a new citation style

Hello everyone,

I am currently writing my master thesis and am looking for the required citation style of my professor. Unfortunately I can't find the right style after a long search. I think I will have to create my own new style. Unfortunately I have failed so far. In the following are the requirements.

1. books:
Homburg, Ch., Krohmer, H. (2009). Marketingmanagement: Strategie – Instrumente – Umsetzung – Unternehmensführung (3. Auflage). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
--> the title should be italic

2. journals & magazines:
Homburg, Ch., Koschate, N., Hoyer, W. D. (2006). The Role of Cognition and Affect in the Formation of Customer Satisfaction – A Dynamic Perspective. Journal of Marketing, 70(3), 21-31.
--> the name of the journal or magazine should be italic


Homburg, Ch., Fürst, A., Sieben, F. (2003). Kundenrückgewinnung: Willkommen zurück!. Harvard Business Manager, 25(12), 57-67.
--> the name of the journal or magazine should be italic

3. collective works:
Tomczak, T. & Rudolf-Sipötz, E. (2006). Bestimmungsfaktoren des Kundenwertes. In: Günter, B., & Helm, S. (Hrsg.), Kundenwert: Grundlagen-Innovative Konzepte-Praktische Umsetzungen (3. Auflage, S. 127-154). Wiesbaden: Gabler.
--> the title of the edited work should be italic

4. internet resources:
Seipp, G. (2007). Rede-Ratgeber: Reden ist Silber, Rhetorik ist Gold, Focus Money Online; (10.04.2013).

Could someone please help me?

Desperate greetings
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