Wrong numbering in Word

Hiii !
When I add references in my Word's texts ("add/edit citation"), Zotero changes the order of numbers in both the text and bibliography. I would like a numbering in sequential order, the first I write in the text being number [1] in the text and bibliography, ... I tried to "refresh" but it did not work. I searched on the forum but I did not found any tip. Does anyone have an idea for my problem ?
Thank you
  • Which citation style?

    In general this should just work. What sort of numbering _are_ you seeing?
  • edited October 8, 2020
    I use "ACM SIGCHI Proceedings (2016)". I see "... [2]...[1]..." instead of "...[1]...[2]", those numbers matching the bibliography order. I just saw that maybe it's the type of document that causes an issue. When I add articles only, it seems to work fine, but when I add a web page, it takes number 1, no matter it's position in the text. What do you think ?
  • That style just sorts alphabetically, so numbers will appear not sequentially but depending on the (alphabetical) order of the bibliography. Use a different one -- most numeric styles work the way you want, i.e. in order of citation.
  • Thank you very much, I did not know this difference between alphabetical and numeric styles
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