BUG: Italic or Bold on Title


Some of my pdfs have italic or bold in the title, so it appears on Zotero as this one:
Phronesis e Noesis em Platão: a excelência do pensamento filosófico

It should ignore html tag or add italic/bold variations
  • Phronesis e Noesis em Platão: a excelência do pensamento filosófico
  • I don't know how to ignore html tags here in the forum...

    < i >Phronesis < / i >e < i >Noesis em Platão: a excelência do pensamento filosófico
  • That's not a bug -- it's currently how Zotero stores italics & bold in titles, which are then displayed as such in citations.


    It's not super elegant and having this display as rich text is planned, but for know that's as it's supposed to be.
  • But it changes the alphabetic order...
  • You mean in the middle column? It shouldn't in the bibliography.
  • The main window of Zotero, is listing < i > and < b >, so changing the alphabetic order of the list of pdfs itens
  • I guess -- this seems sufficiently rare to not matter, though (I don't think it has come up before)? They could be omitted from sort, but not sure if that's closer to expected behavior, since they _are_ visible.
  • I think there are two options: or you parse the formatting html tags OR you treat the title string and remove the html code.
  • I doubt anyone is going to work on this. Rich text needs and will get a proper solution, not worth putting any half-baked efforts into this until then.
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