web has library and and group library

on the web version I have a 'my library' much of which is duplicated in my group library and both are taking up space.
Is this the way it is supposed to be?
  • Not really clear on your question here. Your library has whatever data you added to it. I don't know what you mean by "taking up space".
  • I wanted to give you a screen capture but this does not allow.
    On MY Library (web version) there are 503 items
    on my Group Library for EDC researchers there are 390 items.
    When I look to see what storage I have it lists both the my library files AND my group library files- so even though the group library is a subset of MY library they both appear to be taking up their own space...

  • You can always upload a screenshot somewhere (e.g., Dropbox) and provide a link here, but I doubt we need it in this case.

    Libraries are separate, so if you add a file to both, the storage is counted separately.
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