Add link to get metadatas -> feature request

Sometimes automatic metadata doesn't find nd the pdf get without a father node, so I like to request thsi feature:
Manually add the site (where the info about the pdf is) and then Zotero gets all the info to fill the metadata.

  • Metadata updating is planned, but you can basically already do this: just either go to the page and save it to Zotero or paste a DOI/etc. into Add Item By Identifier, and then drag the PDF attachment on top of the saved item. (For gated databases, pasting a URL into Zotero wouldn't work anyway, so metadata updating based on URL wouldn't always be better.)
  • I tried to drag and drop from one parent node not automotically correctily indexed to a new one created manually, but the pdf disapered from the index. I think this was really a red flag.
  • You're misunderstanding something. What I said absolutely works.

    If you drag a PDF on top of an item, it becomes a child item, which can be seen by expanding the parent item.
  • not disapered like deleted, but moved to a no parent node
  • I don't know what you mean. You can take a screenshot or screen recording that shows what you're describing, upload it somewhere (e.g., Dropbox), and provide a link here.
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