Reference issues through Mendeley

I actually use Mendeley as my reference manager but have been informed that Zotero manage the citations?

I have a paper where all the author details are inputted in the format of 'Smith, J.H' but when I reference in my document the details come out as 'J. . Smith'. How do I rectify this please?
  • No, that's not correct.
    Maybe they are mixing up CSL, the citation style language project with Zotero. The two work closely together, but it's not the same. Zotero is a software like Mendeley, while CSL is a database of citation styles (and more) that is used by dozens of softwares.

    If you want a different reference format you'll need to choose a different citation style which you can do within Mendeley. You'll need to look up in their documentation how to do that.
    If your work is for a specific journal (which is it?) search for that journals name.
  • But also:
    format of 'Smith, J.H' but when I reference in my document the details come out as 'J. . Smith'.
    is not something CSL could even theoretically produce with any citation style, so this is either a data entry issue or a Mendeley bug, not a problem with the citation style, s nothing we could help with.
  • Think this was a software bug, deleted the document and re-uploaded it and working fine now, thanks for the comments though!
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