How to change the locale for a term to match the document language?

edited September 27, 2020
In Pravnik magazine, there is a requirement that "vol." and "no." terms are changed according to the document language. For example, if I want to cite an article in a Czech journal, I need to put "roč. 1, č. 1" there, for English article I need to change it to "Vol. 1, No. 1", and for German it is "Jhrg. 1, Nr. 1". Is it possible to do that via Zotero, since there is a "Language" field for each item? Or I need to change it manually before submitting the document? I have created a CSL style for the magazine, but I am struggling with this issue.
  • It can't be done in official CSL currently, sorry.

    You can do it in Zotero using unofficial CSL syntax (technically csl-m) as described here:
  • Thank you, I have used this in the macros:

    <layout locale="en">
      <text macro="english-vol-no"/>
    <layout locale="de">
      <text macro="german-vol-no"/>
      <text macro="czech-vol-no"/>

    And it seems to solve the problem. But now, I have another one. It seems that I can't use <layout delimiter="; "></layout> as a delimiter between multiple citations.

    Ibidem, s. 48.; SOUKUP, Alexandr – MAITAH, Mansoor – SVOBODA, Roman. The Concept of Rationality in Neoclassical and Behavioural Economic Theory. Modern Applied Science. 2014, roč. 9, č. 3, s. 2.

    Ibidem, s. 48.SOUKUP, Alexandr – MAITAH, Mansoor – SVOBODA, Roman. The Concept of Rationality in Neoclassical and Behavioural Economic Theory. Modern Applied Science. 2014, Vol. 9, No. 3, s. 2.

    The delimiter just disappeared. But I don't know how to solve this.

    The modified style can be found here.
  • You'll need to define the complete separate bibliographies (or citations) in the bibliography section. all layout elements must be child elements of bibliography.

    You can't just apply a different layout to a couple of sections.
  • Thank you very much. I have done it similarily to the jm-chicago-fullnote-bibliography-polyglot style, and it is fixed now.
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