In LibreOffice, Zotero Toolbar is not reacting
Hello. I am experiencing an error of the Zotero Plugin in Libre Office.
I use Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Libre Office
Zotero 5.0.89
When I open Libre Office, I see the Zotero Plugin toolbar. But when I click it, nothing happens.
Summary of my troubleshooting in both the Zotero and the Libre Office Window
The Zotero Libre Office Integration Plug In in my Libre Office seems not to be up to date but when I try to update it (Libre Office→ Tools→ Extension Management→ show all updates) , the window shows “error”
“Description: An error occurred:
Document is empty.
Line: 1
Column: 1”
So there seems to be some trouble with the process of updating the Zotero Extension. Do you have an idea what I could do to resolve this error?
Thanks a lot for your time and help.
(long version w/ screenshots here:
I use Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Libre Office
Zotero 5.0.89
When I open Libre Office, I see the Zotero Plugin toolbar. But when I click it, nothing happens.
Summary of my troubleshooting in both the Zotero and the Libre Office Window
The Zotero Libre Office Integration Plug In in my Libre Office seems not to be up to date but when I try to update it (Libre Office→ Tools→ Extension Management→ show all updates) , the window shows “error”
“Description: An error occurred:
Document is empty.
Line: 1
Column: 1”
So there seems to be some trouble with the process of updating the Zotero Extension. Do you have an idea what I could do to resolve this error?
Thanks a lot for your time and help.
(long version w/ screenshots here:
Updating the extension from LO doesn't work — Zotero updates the extension itself, and that works for non-Snap versions. To install it manually, you'd need to copy the .oxt file out of the Snap package.