Feature requests: 1. conveient to share feeds 2. ways to relocate the position of saved search

I notice that it is quite convienent to use feeds to collect info automatically, however, I didn't find a way to share these feeds with others, since we can't drag the feeds at all;

I think it would be convient if we can also create feeds for groups, so that we can drag the feeds to the groups, and others can simply drag it to their My library, or just leave it in the group. If this is not an option, it would be good to have other ways to share feeds as conveniently as what we can do for collections, among different group users.

The second feature I would suggest is to allow the user to drag saved search and move them to be subcollections of other collections, just like what we can do for normal collections. The reason is that, some saved search are related with some specific subcollections, and it would be good if we can organize them together; currently, all saved search are sorted by name, and can't be moved. Hope this will help. Thanks.
  • by the way, I saw someone suggest offering ways to organize the feeds hierarchically, for example, one can create some collection named academic journals, life, entertainment, etc, and put the feeds in them. Otherwise, if there are many feeds, it would look messy, which also takes up a lot of space. I think this is a good idea
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