citation key and BibTeX import

edited September 4, 2020
Is there a way to preserve the citation key when importing using BibTex? This is pretty important for me so I don't have to rewrite reams of citations that I'm processing with pandoc-citeproc.
  • If you have the BetterBibTeX plugin installed, it will pin the citation keys on import. If “Citation Key” appears in Extra, it’s pinned and preserved.
  • Oh, thanks! I didn't have it as a separate Citation-Key field. It looked like this:

    Author = "Latour, Bruno",
    Date-Added = "2019-07-23 18:06:52 -0400",
    Date-Modified = "2019-07-23 18:07:39 -0400",
    Keywords = "Philosophy ; STS ; ANT",
    Publisher = "Harvard University Press",
    Title = "We have never been modern.",
    Year = "1993"

    So I would need it to look like this?

    Author = "Latour, Bruno",
    Date-Added = "2019-07-23 18:06:52 -0400",
    Date-Modified = "2019-07-23 18:07:39 -0400",
    Keywords = "Philosophy ; STS ; ANT",
    Publisher = "Harvard University Press",
    Title = "We have never been modern.",
    Year = "1993",
    Citation-Key = "Latour:1993"
  • No, the “@“ part is the citation key. If it imported, you should see it in the Extra field in Zotero.
  • It's actually easiest to just install Better BibTeX and import the first sample as-is I think. You'll see how it ends up in the UI, I think that will make things clearer. So you can just import

    Author = "Latour, Bruno",
    Date-Added = "2019-07-23 18:06:52 -0400",
    Date-Modified = "2019-07-23 18:07:39 -0400",
    Keywords = "Philosophy ; STS ; ANT",
    Publisher = "Harvard University Press",
    Title = "We have never been modern.",
    Year = "1993"

    after installation of BBT. No need to change anything about the bibtex you import.
  • (date-added and date-modified will be retained by BBT on import in the extra field -- translators cannot modify the zotero equivalents)
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