Zotero/overleaf integration for collaborative writing

I want to invite a collaborator to help with a paper on overleaf. I've been using Zotero with the better bibtex plug in to put citations in my draft and maintain a bib file (via a dropbox sync).

So I thought I could just set up a group library with the references, and invite my collaborator to that. But there doesn't seem to be a possibility to sync a group library with a bib file. Am I overlooking something, or is this a feature that needs to be added.

Any thoughts about collaborating in the overleaf environment (or any latex environment) with sharing a reference file?
  • For working with TeX and Zotero, you will want to use the BetterBibTeX plugin.

    See here for some tips on working with Overleaf: https://retorque.re/zotero-better-bibtex/exporting/auto/
  • Thank you. I've been using the better-bibtex plugin with overleaf for quite a while, with syncing the library to a dropbox folder that Overleaf syncs. But I can't figure out how to sync a group library in Zotero --- is this possible? This seems to be the missing piece in a collaborative workflow.

  • This isn't definite, but my recolleciton was that Overleaf doesn't have support for Zotero groups.
  • BBT can auto-export (parts of) group libraries no problem, so the dropbox route should work.
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