Zotfile -- tricking it when you mess up

Hi there,

I think I messed up using Zotfile's "send to/get from tablet" features in the following way: I sent a PDF to tablet via iCloud, annotated it, and replaced the original with the annotated copy (in iCloud). I then clicked "Get from tablet" but I guess I clicked too soon (before iCloud had synced) -- the resulting PDF was just the original one (no annotations!). I then manually downloaded the annotated PDF to try to fix this. I can see the annotations in Preview. My idea for a fix was to trick it: "send" it again, manually replace the sent file, and "get" it again. No luck -- the annotations still don't appear. Any ideas?

Control: I tried a simple annotation on a different file and it worked fine.

  • Potential solution: only use the smart folder "Tablet files (modified)" for the "get from tablet" function. (As opposed to doing "get from tablet" from the item in your main library.) This ensures that Zotfile has seen / noticed the modifications in the file, and seems to prevent the issue.
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