SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) Handbook of Style para 6.3.10 shows DOI as "preferred."

The SBL (Society of Biblical Literature) Handbook of Style paragraph 6.3.10 on page 95 shows DOI as "preferred" to the URL in a citation for an electronic journal article. I cannot get the DOI to appear in the citation I grab from Zotero, even though I filled it in myself in the DOI field in the Zotero item from the electronic database at my university's library website.

I am very new to Zotero, but I was able to add the SBL "note" citation style to Zotero without a problem. Through trial and error, I have become conversant with the various fields that need to be populated in a Zotero item to create a proper SBL citation.

Other than the DOI not being included, the most significant problem I'm having with Zotero is on my laptop. Whenever I right-click to "Create a Bibliographical Citation," then click on "Manage Styles," then click on "Style Preview," it pops up a blank screen that is half off the laptop's screen, even though I have chosen the SBL "full note" citation style. However, if I click on any edge of this pop-up screen and shift its edges any amount, it will show the top of the pop-up window, and then I can "Refresh" to get my citations. This is odd and annoying, so I wanted to mention it while I have your attention. If there is a different place for me to mention this, please let me know.

Thank you for your time. I am enjoying using Zotero to collect my sources for my dissertation, and I believe it will greatly help me keep them all corralled.
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