Zotero Connector - how to set not to save Snapshot

I'm using Zotero Connector with Microsoft Edge (chrome based) in Windows 10. Both are updated to latest version.

I've changed the extension setting "automaticSnapshots" to false.

Nonetheless, every time i save an entry to Zotero, an attachment of Snapshot or Pubmed is saved.

Anyone else having the same issue and am I missing anything?

Thank you.
  • Look for a checkbox in the Zotero client Preferences, under General. Sorry for the confusion, we are planning to move this preference to the Zotero Connector in the future.
  • @dstillman A while back, you raised the idea of not saving snapshots if another attachment file (e.g., a PDF) was present. Could that potentially be implemented?
  • I don't recall suggesting that as a technical solution. I just think that many translators could be changed to not save snapshots.
    we are planning to move this preference to the Zotero Connector in the future
    To clarify, there are existing options in the Connector preferences for saving directly to the online library — they just don't apply when saving to the app. And the preference in the app does still need to exist in the app for things like Add Item by Identifier. So this is inherently a bit confusing, but we have an open issue to improve this.
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