Sync and data directory

Hi, I have three computers and I set "Base directory" as one folder in my dropbox account. Set "data directory" as default for my two PCs and another folder in my dropbox for my MAC since my MAC does not have enough space for such big library. So, for my understanding, when applying sync. the "data directory" will be synced among different computers. Does it mean that all three data directory will have the same content? Since the "data directory" in dropbox is not recommended since it will be collapsed. Do I need to backup three data directory occasionally or just one of them since they are all synced. Also, whether the collapse of the one in dropbox will bring trouble to other two by default? Thanks
  • So, for my understanding, when applying sync. the "data directory" will be synced among different computers. Does it mean that all three data directory will have the same content?
    For data in your database and stored files, yes. Linked files are not synced by Zotero, as explained in Stored Files and Linked Files.
    Since the "data directory" in dropbox is not recommended since it will be collapsed.
    It's not that it's not recommended. It's very strongly discouraged. You will corrupt your database — it's only a matter of time. You need to move it out of there. If you don't have enough space to store the data directory locally, you can free up space by deleting some large PDF files that from the 'storage' folder in the data directory, once you've verified that they're available in your online library. You can then set Zotero to download files "as needed" rather than "at sync time" in the Sync pane of the preferences, and the files will be downloaded automatically as you try to open them.
  • I have “data file” stored locally on two PCs and only Mac stored in dropbox. If dropbox collapse, will it affect the data file on PC?
  • No, but you still shouldn't do it. You could still lose local data before it synced, and you could still encounter other odd problems. You should do what I suggest above. The .sqlite file itself is unlikely to be a problem in terms of disk space.
  • Hi, I moved it back to local folder. However, when I copy the files as recommended. I saw a lot of files. How can I know which one I could delete. I can not attach photo here. But there are 41 .squlite file, and 41 .squlite-journal. Also 8 .bark
  • I didn't say to delete .sqlite files — I was talking about PDF files within 'storage'. Read what I wrote above again.

    But you're saying you have 41 .sqlite files in the root of the data directory? If so, that's extremely abnormal, and likely indicates Dropbox has already made a mess of your data directory. What are some of the filenames?

    The only .sqlite files that should exist are zotero.sqlite, zotero.sqlite.bak, zotero.sqlite.1.bak, zotero.sqlite-journal, and one or two files in the form zotero.sqlite.105.bak.
  • Also, you can upload images somewhere (e.g., Dropbox) and provide a link here.
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