Mark Articles to Read vs Already read

Is there a way to mark articles to read later? It would be super helpful.
  • See:

    "Tags (often called “keywords” in other contexts) allow for detailed characterization of an item. You can tag items based on their topics, methods, status, ratings, or even based on your own workflow (e.g., “to-read”). Items can have as many tags as you like, and you can filter your library (or a specific collection) to show items having a specific set of one or more tags. "
  • Thank you for the response, I did use tags initially until I got this error message "only 9 tags in each library can have colors assigned"

    Is there any other way to sort out articles to read. For example, mark titles of read articles in bold font?
  • No, that's the way to do it. Why is that limit a problem? To be clear, the limit is only for colored tags — which can be assigned via the number keys, and which you need to be able to tell apart in the items list, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to have more than 9.
  • Thank you, I understand now how to use colored tags better! It is working for my purpose now
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