[Juris-M] languages in multible orthographies


I am interested in some suggestions for how Juris-M might be able to handle the BCP47 private use extension. https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47 ยง page 4.

It appears that the identification of a language in the preference pane allows for the selection of language, script, region, which are three components used by BCP47 in the building of language tags.

My situation is that I am citing various literature written in Dan, a language which is spoken (and used for publication) in Liberia and the Ivory Coast. There are four active orthographies, the first is used in Liberia. One can use [dnj-LR], or [dnj-Latn-LR]. The other three orthographies are used in the Ivory Coast. The tag [dnj-CI] would cover all three of these without letting me distinguish between them. So, invoking the private use code portion [-x-] allows one to add a private use code to these sort of situations. I have been doing something like the following: [dnj-Latn-CI-x-west] (for western dialects which use one orthography), and [dnj-Latn-CI-x-east] for an Eastern Dan prior to the 2019 orthography revision, and [dnj-Latn-CI-x-east2019] for the orthography use of the revised orthography.

Is there a way to access this private use extension in the Juris-M languages preference pane? The videos at https://juris-m.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial.html were helpful but don't seem to answer this specific issue.
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