[Feature Request] Importing from an AtoM database (Archive catalog)

edited August 10, 2020
Some Archives use an open-source tool called AtoM "Access to Memery". Here is an example, the Borthwick Institute:


It provides two export formats to download:

Dublin Core 1.1 XML
EAD 2002 XML

Dublin core imports one item at a time as a "Jornal article" rather than a manuscript in an Archive/Library. It does not save the URL in the XML.

EAD 2002 XMl is not recognised at all, but looks better as it maintains the hierarchy in the XML.

Is there a better way of doing this? Plugin? Convesion to some format that is recognised by Zotero?

  • edited August 9, 2020
    The way to go would be to write a Zotero importer for EAD 2002 XML, but that's likely a good amount of work and fairly technical. Someone with a good understanding of the format and a basic understanding of javascript could do this in a weekend, though.
  • OK heavy lifting job, maybe someone else with the requisite skill will take this on!

  • Can we put this in the queue for a Feature Request please?
  • Just to give you an option. If this is important to you, you could get together and pay a developer to do this for you.
  • Personally it is an intermittent requirement, but AtoM / EAD 2002 XML does seem to be widely used in the Archives world.

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