Keep/include the corresponding arXiv information when input the published paper

edited August 6, 2020
In some cases when input some paper from journals, I hope that the corresponding arXiv version or link or arXiv number is also automatically found and wrote into the paper info after the input. E.g. arxiv: hep-ph/9404302. This paper is published in Phys.Rev.D. However when I input this article from PRD webpage, the arXiv information for this paper is not found.
  • Please rephrase your statement as a question. Are you requesting some new Zotero function(s) or something else?

    Bibliographically these are discrete publications and are likely to differ in content (and certainly the metadata will differ). I know of several cases of items that have been published in slightly different forms in two --Xiv services and later published as a journal article without mentioning the prepublications.
  • Sorry for the ambiguity. It is a feature request. Some apps like Readcube can do this. I love Zotero, but this feature can make Zotero even better.
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