Zotero Style - cannot break the line in 'Search by example' to find a style?


I am writing a paper that I will submit to the journal International Migration. The style does not exist in the Zotero repository. Below are examples of hwo references should like. I cannot use the 'search by example' because I cannot break/go to the line in the 'bibliographic entrey' box. Can this problem be fixed so I can find an alternative style?

Robra, A. and A. B€ohne
2013 Willkommenskultur – Ein Leitfaden f€ur Unternehmen. [Welcome Culture - a
guide for companies] Bundesvereinigung der deutschen Arbeitgeberverb€ande
[Confederation of German Employers Associations], Berlin.

Sakamoto, I., M. Chin and M. Young
2010 “Canadian Experience," Employment Challenges and Skilled Immigrants. A
Close Look through "Tacit Knowledge”, Canadian Social Work, 12(1): 145–151.

Uslucan, H.H.
2017 “Diskriminierungserfahrungen t€urkeist€ammiger Zuwanderer_innen.
[Experiences of discrimination among Turkish migrants]”, in K. Fereidooni and
M. El (Eds.), Rassismuskritik und Widerstandsformen. [Criticism of racism and
forms of resistance]. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Best wishes,

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