Possible Bug - Exporting Entries (that contain URLs that Include Tildes) to BibTex


I think I've found a small bug. I've imported my zotero library into Bibtex and found
one of Zotero items (that included a URL that has a Tilde in its 'info') had the incorrect URL in bibtex.
BTW, I'm using v1.0.0b4.r5

To Reproduce it:

1. visit http://www.uiowa.edu/~uichr/clri/index.shtml [or another url that has a Tilde in it].
2. create an entry by "create new entry from current page." [perhaps if it were an item that had the item box in the firefox URL box, it may be different and someone else could try that out].
3. export it to BibTex (Same result when I exported just the one item and my entire library of 20).
4. open it up in Bibtex and the URL for the entry was different
(the Bibtex entry has an unnecessary backslash in it - Yes, that's it).

It's a small bug, but heck, it may be easily fixed then.

Can anyone else reproduce it as well ? Maybe something on my end ?

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